ADT Council Bluff, Iowa

Criminal Statistics And Details For Why You Need Home Security

The most recent statistics for Council Bluffs, Iowa show that the population is around 62,597. These statistics also show that the city has a crime index rating of 4 which shows an extreme risk for local residents and homeowners. This rating indicates a higher than average price rate that could place residents at an immediate risk. The following are criminal statistics and details that explain this rating and why homeowners need security systems installed now.

What Current Criminal Statistics Say About Council Bluffs

According to the most recent criminal statistics, there were 160 violent crimes committed in Council Bluffs last year. These statistics show that 2 out of every 1,000 residents were victims of a violent crime in the city. Next, there were 3,535 property-related crimes committed in the area. These statistics show that 56 out of every 1,000 residents were the victims of property-related crimes. Overall, there were 3,695 crimes committed in the city. These statistics show that 59 out of every 1,000 residents were the victim of some form of crime in the city. In contrast, among the violent crimes committed, there were 40 rapes, one murder, 50 robberies, and 69 physical assaults. These statistics show that one out of every 391 residents was the victim of a violent crime. Next, among the property-related crimes, there were 327 home invasions, 2,910 property thefts, and 298 automobile thefts. These statistics show that one out of every 18 residents became the victim of a property-related crime in the city. Overall, there were 85 crimes committed per square mile in the city of Council Bluffs in the last year.

Were There Any Violent Protests or Violent Crimes in the Local News?

Council Bluff wasn’t the location of any violent protests. However, there were numerous protests related to the recent presidential election and senate race. These protests turned violent and individuals were arrested. However, further protests occurred that were associated with local gangs who opposed Black Lives Matters protests. These events lead to property damage, riots, and bodily harm. These incidents became more severe and even led to multiple fires in the area. These emerging trends have become the center for serious risks for local residents. As more violent protests occur, the local homeowners must take action to protect themselves. They need home security to enable them to monitor their property when they are away. These systems also help them keep a closer eye on their family as well. These installations provide them with the features they need to reduce the risks associated with these sudden and often unpredictable events.

What is the Current State of the Local Housing Market?

The current state of the local housing market is stable. The average home price is $138,500. The average rental price is $860. These prices are increased by around 4% in the last year. While the market is stable, it doesn’t guarantee secured values for these homes. Since the crime rate is much higher than the national average, these prices could drop quickly and without warning. Homeowners who want to relocate could face serious difficulties in selling their properties. Since these properties are located in close proximity to areas that have seen an even higher probability of crimes, the properties could spend a longer duration on the market. A home security system could mitigate certain risks. These risks include immediate access to the property’s interior. With these systems, sensors are installed to alert the homeowner and their security provider if someone enters these entry points. The systems also come with connecting features that allow the homeowner to review footage via a DVR or an internet-based server. These features help them identify risks that were present at an earlier time during the day.

Are There Sex Offenders Living in Council Bluffs?

Yes, there are currently 164 sex offenders who live in Council Bluffs. The current ratio between residents and sex offenders is 379 to 1. The highest concentration of sex offenders lives on the western side of the city. Among the infractions for which these offenders were convicted include but are not limited to child pornography, sexual misconduct with a child, child molestation, false imprisonment of a child with the intent to commit a sex crime, and 3rd-degree sexual assault. With this high volume of offenders, children in the local area are at a greater risk of becoming a victim. For this reason, homeowners must assess possible security measures to keep their children safer. The home security options allow them to eliminate possible blind spots and present children with a safer area to play. These systems capture footage around the entire exterior to identify any risks that may come near their child. This includes extended options for the gate connected to their privacy fence and the windows leading into their child’s room.

Are There Prisons in or Near?

Among the prisons and jails in the area are Pottawattamie County Jail, Squirrel Cage Jail, and the Residential Correctional Facility. These facilities could increase risks for local property owners. They house hundreds of inmates each year. These probabilities indicate a real need for security to mitigate common risks. In Council Bluffs, Iowa, residents are at a greater than average risk of becoming a victim. This city was assigned a lower than average crime index rating due to its excessively high crime rate. Due to these rates, homeowners are more likely to become a victim if they don’t acquire the right protection. Homeowners who want to install a security system contact a local provider now.