ADT Elk Grove, California

What Are The Best Alarm Systems For Elk Grove, California?

Home Security, public security, and business security have been more and more on everyone’s minds since the increase in crime over the last few years. But, how much security is enough and how much is too much and too inconvenient. We all want to be able to conveniently go about our business in a safe environment. We want to feel secure in our homes and workplaces. We want our children to be safe at school and play. There must be a balance achieved between safety, convenience, and freedom. That is not an easy job for government, local police, and the citizens themselves.

Home Security In Elk Grove California

How much Home Security does the average homeowner have and what amount of home security should they have? Some homeowners rely on good locks and a safe neighborhood for home security. Others have a dog and a beware of dog sign which is some improvement. Some homeowners believe that owning a gun contributes to their home security. More and more homeowners are purchasing some sort of home alarm security or home security system to protect their homes and family members. While it is true that a burglar will choose a home without a beware of dog sign before a home that has a dog, he may just let the dog out, give the dog a steak, or shoot the dog and rob the home anyway. Because many criminals are getting bolder and more violent, it is important for homeowners to assess their situations. Some questions to find answers to are:

  • How safe is the neighborhood the home is located in?
  • What are the crime statistics for the neighborhood for the previous year?
  • Is there gang activity in or near the neighborhood?
  • Do family members feel safe in and around the home during the day or in the evening?
  • Have close neighbors been victims of robbery or home invasion type crimes recently?
  • Does the family have a lot of electronics, guns, jewelry, or other valuables to protect?
  • Has the rate of gun ownership been going up in the neighborhood or city?
  • Are home values going up or down in the neighborhood and why?
  • What home security companies are available in this city?

The City of Elk Grove has a population of 154,814 and has a crime rate of 2,694 per 100,000 residents. That is a one in thirty-seven chance of being the victim of a crime. This rate is actually less than the previous two years, so the crime rate has gone down slightly. This is a rate slightly less than the rest of the United States. The Elk Grove Police Department has a homicide clearance rate of 95% but a robbery clearance rate of only 63% and a burglary clearance rate of only 21%. So, violent crimes are solved at a much higher rate than property crimes. Homes that are robbed that have security cameras in operation make it easier for the police to identify and catch the thief.

Getting to know the neighbors is a good way to learn about one’s neighborhood, make friends, and increase home security. When neighbors know each other, they are more likely to notice something out of the ordinary at their neighbor’s homes and report it. A stranger or group of strangers lurking around the neighborhood should be reported. If neighbors are on good terms, one can take in papers or mail when the other is out of town. This will eliminate an invitation for thieves to break into a home while the owners are gone.

Gun ownership and the rising number of people applying for gun permits may be an indicator of how secure people in Elk Grove feel. Concealed Gun permits in Sacramento County numbered about 350 in 2010 but in 2016 the number had risen to almost 8,000. Part of the increase can be attributed to a change in permitting laws making it easier to get a concealed carry permit. This is a large populous county so only a fraction of those guns are located in Elk Grove. It does show that more people are owning guns for protection. This may be an indicator of general unease rather than a sign that this area is less safe.

Alarm Systems

In addition to the above-mentioned security measures, homeowners in Elk Grove should consider having some form of alarm system or home security system. There are a number of good security companies and alarm and security system suppliers in Elk Grove. There are online rating and comparison sites for security systems and suppliers. A homeowner can go online to get a list of highly rated companies and contact them for free price quotes and options. When a homeowner contacts security companies they will be asked for the following information:

  • Is the building needing an alarm system a home or a business?
  • What security system features are wanted? Some choices are an alarm system, surveillance, remote control, 24/7 monitoring, fire and gas detection, and more.
  • They will want the home’s zip code and location information.
  • The number of home entrances.
  • The type of security service the homeowner wants. This can be a new system, equipment only, or repairing or reactivating an existing system.
  • Does the homeowner want a hard wired security system or a wireless system?

Because there are so many models and types of security system setups, the homeowner should meet with a security specialist from the chosen company to discuss the family needs and budget. It is much better to have a home security system and feel secure than to wish the home had been protected after a robbery has taken place. For more information on home security systems go to the website.