ADT Pleasanton, California

A Clear Assessment Of Why Homeowners Need Home Security Systems
Pleasanton, California has a population that consists of 79,510 residents. The city received a crime index rating of 29. This rating indicates that the city has a higher than average crime rate. While it indicates that it is 29% safer than cities of similar sizes, this rating doesn’t eliminate risks to homeowners. The following a clear assessment of why homeowners need some security systems in this city. What Current Criminal Statistics Say About Pleasanton According to the criminal statistics for Pleasanton, there were 93 violent crimes in the city last year. These statistics indicate that 1.17 out of every 1,000 residents was the victim of a violent crime. Next, there were 1,748 property-related crimes committed in the city last year. These statistics show that 21.99 out of every 1,000 residents were the victim of a property-related crime. Overall, there were 1,841 crimes committed in Pleasanton last year. These statistics indicate that 23.16 out of every 1,000 residents were the victim of a crime in the city last year. In contrast, among the violent crimes reported there were 13 rapes, 45 robberies, and 35 physical assaults in the city last year. These statistics indicate that 1 in every 855 residents was the victim of a violent crime. Next, among the property-related crimes, there were 233 home invasions, 1,330 property thefts, and 185 automobile thefts including carjackings last year. These statistics show that 1 in every 45 residents in the city was a victim of a property-related crime. Overall, these statistics show that 76 crimes per square mile were committed in the city of Pleasanton in the last year. Were There Any Violent Protests or Violent Crimes in the Local News? This city has a history of violent protests. Within the last year, there have been multiple arrests due to violent acts against others during anti-Trump protests as well as those protesting police shootings. The most recent protests lead to rioting, looting, and bombs. Multiple injuries were reported as well as thousands of dollars in property damage. Among the most recent protests were those that happened at Urban Shield. These extreme crimes indicate a real need for home security. With the city in an uproar over these recent events, it is beneficial for homeowners to install a home security system to keep them safer. These systems provide them with immediate access to their surveillance cameras via remote links. They allow the homeowner to review their property when they are away at work or if they need to travel. They also provide the homeowner with monitoring services through their chosen provider. What is the Current State of the Local Housing Market? The current state of the local housing market is neutral. While it is stable, it isn’t showing real potential in the upcoming year. Currently, the average home price is $971,500. This value is based on the unit price of $490 per square footage. The current market showed an increase of 4.4% last year. The projections show that the market may increase 0.09% in the upcoming year. Additionally, the average rental price in this area is $3,375. With a possible market decline, some homeowners could face difficulties if they want to move out of the area. This could lead to serious complications that could generate a possible increase in crime. These risks could present homeowners with a higher probability of a home invasion. These circumstances show a clear need for home security to mitigate these projected risks. These systems provide homeowners with 24-hour monitoring by their preferred security provider. Are There Sex Offenders Living in Pleasanton? Currently, there are two sex offenders living in Pleasanton. The resident to offender ratio is 36,169 to 1. These offenders live around Hopyard Road and Foothill Road. Homeowners who live in these areas are at a greater risk. Among the infractions reported for these offenders are lascivious acts and oral copulation with children under the age of 14. Due to these risks, homeowners must consider the benefits of installing a home security system to reduce associated risks for families with children. Are There Prisons in or Near Pleasanton? The FCI Dublin and the Alameda County Santa Rita Jail are located within this area. These facilities house hundreds of inmates that pose a real risk to local residents. Homeowners who live within the immediate proximity to these facilities are at an even greater risk. These homeowners must take home security more seriously and ensure that they have the right system to protect them in the event of an escape. What Security Systems Provide Adequate Protection for Residential Properties? According to recent studies, wired home security systems could present homeowners with adequate security. However, if they choose these systems, they need better options for securing the wires. A recent trend has shown that more intruders are cutting these wires to disable the system entirely. If the homeowner chooses a wireless system, they could acquire better choices. The wireless system doesn’t require these cables running around the property. They are connected through a wireless connection. The homeowner can also acquire a backup power supply for the system. This prevents issues if a power outage occurs. In Pleasanton, California, homeowners face serious risks due to a higher than average crime rate. These risks include the impact of violent protests and criminal elements that could increase the odds of a home invasion. A home security system offers a better line of protection for these property owners. Homeowners who want a system today contact a local provider now.