
Full Security Solutions and Digital Monitoring With DIY Kits
Homeowners in America have a legitimate concern when it comes to home security. There are thousands of reports each year about break-ins and home intrusions. These reports are surrounded by the fear that any homeowner could be next. Thankfully, there are ways to secure a home that doesn’t require the cost of premium services and don’t require that a complete stranger is allowed intimate knowledge of how a home is secured. There are hundreds of products available online or from local retailers that allow homeowners to secure their home in their own way. Do-it-yourself kits are available for very affordable prices and can offer the same peace of mind as any premium service. Monitoring systems are considered essential for home security enthusiasts. A basic monitoring system can be installed by almost anyone in a matter of hours. Kits retail for affordable prices and include digital cameras that can be programmed easily from any computer or television set. Swann security systems offers kits starting at about three-hundred dollars. These kits include four cameras that are capable of night time recording and a digital video recording set that allows access online or through a television set. Wired and wireless versions are available. This means that there’s no need to install wiring if the homeowner doesn’t want to. Why use digital cameras? Modern digital cameras offer more than just basic recording capabilities. Having high-quality recordings of a crime could mean the difference between a criminal getting away scot-free or the successful arrest of a burglar. Digital cameras offer superior video quality. this makes it easier for police or other authorities to spot distinguishing marks such as tattoos that could lead to an arrest. Older analog cameras would never be able to record 1080 resolution footage. When choosing which cameras to install in a home, the owner needs to consider just how clear the images will be when the footage is recorded. Ease of access is also important for a home monitoring system. Digital solutions allow homeowners to access footage from anywhere they have internet access. If the system is configured properly, footage can be viewed on a phone or other portable device that has internet or mobile data access. Because this kind of capability is expected of a modern surveillance system, most kits make it easy to set up secure access from specific devices. Choosing a newer system with this capability means that the footage can’t be accessed by someone that penetrates the home WiFi network. Expanded Security and Additional Solutions Being able to view footage is just the start of home security. Simply being able to watch a home doesn’t do much good in preventing crime. Being able to see the footage of a crime is helpful after the fact, but it’s better to be able to prevent the crime from happening in the first place. Automated locks and alarms are a great way to bolster security. If the homeowner can activate locks and alarms they can stop a burglar in their tracks and possibly prevent escape. If the burglar can’t make their way out of the home they have no choice but to wait for the authorities to find them and make an arrest. The satisfaction that comes from bringing justice to a criminal can provide peace of mind to any homeowner. Home security is important, but so is vehicle security. Being able to have peace of mind on the road is just as important as at home. Mini cameras can be installed on the dash or in the back of any vehicle. If an accident or break-in occurs the owner will have footage to provide to the police and their insurance carrier. When it comes to reporting an accident, a little footage of the incident goes a long way towards proving a case. If fraud is the point of a claim made by another driver, the victim can simply offer up the video as evidence and prove that they are not the culprit. Full Security Solution Kits Securing a home requires more than just a few cameras or a video doorbell. Full solutions from Swann security systems make it possible to completely secure a home without premium services. These solutions range in price depending on just how much security a homeowner wants. Motion detectors, penetration alarms, secure wireless routing, and alarms will help prevent burglaries altogether. With the right kit, homeowners will be able to monitor blind spots on their property and report any crimes to the authorities instantly. These kits are easy to configure and can be installed by anyone with access to basic tools. A full security solution means homeowners won’t have to rely on anyone else to provide peace of mind. Nothing cold be more satisfying than knowing that a home is safe and secure without the interference of a third-party. Everyone in the family can feel safe and sound knowing that they have a full solution that provides absolute security. If the homeowner isn’t entirely sure where to get started they can contact a service provider for a consultation. The information an experienced professional can offer will provide insight into how a burglar might view a home and how security gaps can be exploited. Advanced information about how a home can be secured can also be found online. Citizens that are enthused about home security often provide powerful insight into how to get the most out of a home security solution. This insight can be just a useful as the help of a professional service provider.