ADT Thousand Oaks, California

Home Security Choices In Thousand Oaks, California
People who live in Thousand Oaks, California have small town atmosphere with the population at 129,339 as of 2014. They enjoy a very low crime rate and a high standard of living. The average resident’s income is 445,000 and the average home price is $290,000. The residents feel the higher cost of living in this community is worth it. There are only about 13 property crimes per 1,00 residents which is one of the lower crime rates in the whole country. People here feel safer than in many towns and cities across America but there are still security issues. People with higher incomes and more expensive homes can afford security systems for home protection. Even if the town has a low crime rate, residents are security conscious. It is better to be safe than sorry. With larger incomes, residents of Thousand Oaks may have more belongings to protect. The relatively low cost of security systems and monitoring are affordable. Even when there is money to pay for a security system, it is wise to determine the correct level of protection before deciding on a system. Studies have found that 60% of convicted criminals will bypass a home with a security system and target a home without one. Convenience Is A Factor In Choosing Security systems Convenience is a major consideration when shopping for a security system. If there are children in the home, the system must be operable for them as well as the adults. Are there pets in the home? The system must be pet-friendly. The right systems can be adjusted to ignore pet movement. Can everyone remember security codes to enter into the security pad near the front door? Will all the family members cooperate with having the security system and the requirements for it to be effective? Will the security company work with family members to make the security system effective yet easy to use? Homeowner Installed And monitored Systems What level of competence does the homeowner have in installing a homeowner operated security system? Some security systems come with owner-install directions. Once the system is installed, the security company can monitor it for a monthly fee. Some owner installed systems can be monitored by the homeowner with a computer app and a smartphone. Off-site monitoring from work or even on vacation can be possible. An alarm will alert the homeowner that there is a problem, then they can decide whether to call the police. There are many homeowners who would like this total control of their security system. These same homeowners may have home systems tied to their devices, so they can control heating, air conditioning, lights, and other home equipment from their smartphones. Security Company Installed And Monitored Systems Other homeowners are not capable or don’t have the time or inclination to hook up an alarm system and monitor it themselves. They would prefer to call a security company representative and state their needs for a security system. They go over the options with the security company and order the system they prefer. The security company sends installers to get the system installed correctly and up and running. They then instruct the family members on how to live with the system and what is required of each family member to keep the system working effectively. The system is monitored off-site by the security company who reports any problems to the police department for quick response. What Type Of System Will Work Best? There is a lot of new technology available in the home security field. Choosing what type of system and what features to purchase may be complicated. The homeowner should ask expert advice from the security equipment store sales associate or the security company representative. Deciding what the homeowner wants the system to do is the first step. Does the homeowner want to have cameras that keep track of household help like nannies or cleaning staff in addition to recording burglars? Should the cameras record audio as well as video? Should the security cameras be obvious, or hidden? A mix could be perfect. Is the system meant to dissuade burglars when the family is not home or is it meant to protect family members from break-ins when they are home? Does the homeowner want a loud alarm to scare burglars away, or a silent alarm going to the police station to catch burglars in the act? Should the security system have other features such as detecting fire and smoke danger? Once the features of the alarm and security system are determined, the system can be purchased. There is a choice of security systems that are wired into the home’s electrical and phone system or a wireless system that relies on cellular networks of different kinds. The advantage of a wireless security system is that burglars can not disable it by disrupting the home’s electrical service. There are burglars who have learned to hack wireless systems to gain entry into homes. No security system is perfect, but a good security system will protect the home and family from most burglars and criminals and record the ones who do break in. Is it possible to have a feature on a security system that notifies the security company if the system has been tampered with? That would be a good feature to request. Most security systems include window and door sensors, motion detectors, panic buttons, glass breakage sensors, security video cameras on both the interior and exterior of the home, a control pad or base station, and off-site monitoring 24/7 365 days a year. There are basic features and additional features for extra money. Contact the website for additional security system information.